Gas Log Sets
Gas logs come in two basic varieties, vented and vent-free log sets. A vented gas log must be used in a regular fireplace, designed to burn a wood fire. Vent-free gas logs can be used in a regular fireplace or can be used in a prefabricated vent-free firebox that has no chimney. Each venting option has its advantages. If you are choosing gas fire products for an existing fireplace, check to see which venting system is currently in place. If you are choosing fireplace products for a new fireplace consider the differences between these two options.

- More realistic and natural looking flame than vent free
- Must be installed in a fully functioning wood burning fireplace
- Majority of heat is lost as it goes up the chimney (heat output is similar to burning wood)
- Produces some soot when flame touches log
- Delivers more heat inside your home than vented gas fires
- Must be installed in a fireplace approved for a vent-free log set
- Installation is subject to state & local codes (some areas do not allow vent-free)